What We Do

From the Majestic Flathead Valley to the Drama of the Blue Ridge Mtns!
It's no accident that the leading sulfur commercial specialist consultancy sprung from headquarters adjacent to iconic Glacier National Park in northwest Montana. The North American sulfur world emanates from southern Alberta. We grew and strengthened on behalf of our global clients in the shadow of the Flathead Mountains for two decades.
The next phase of ConSulinc's evolution centers in another iconic and sulfur-Infused base in Western North Carolina. Since September 2017, ConSulinc has relocated our corporate headquarters to Burnsville, NC. Our new locale allows us to better serve our Middle Eastern, European and South Asian clients with easy access flights and superior internet connectivity. We always welcome your visit to our headquarters!
Yes, we live and work in gorgeous surroundings! But even more than physical proximity to the global sulfur action, it's what ConSulinc does and how we do it that matters most.
ConSulinc's experts tap industry sources, synthesize real world data with economic pragmatism, and deliver thought provoking analyses with actionable insights. This is what makes the tangible and productive business difference to our clients. And yes, our offices do happen to be in a most beautiful location just 30 minutes from an international airport facilitating easy on-site 'strategic' engagements.
Finger on the pulse. ConSulinc is a strong participant in the industry's most important and relevant forums, conferences and organizations. Because we're there, we can connect the dots for our clients. Forty two years of sulfur and phosphate operational expertise, networking and membership in TFI, TSI, and IFA inform our perspective and institutional knowledge. Our unparalleled access to the global players that drive the sulfur and fertilizer markets adds critical depth and context to our client engagements. Together, it means ConSulinc has a rather unique and respected vantage point from which to guide and add important, objective market value to industry players, discourse and commerce. We'd love the opportunity to help you do more, be more effective and enjoy more upside.
"A little water is a (very good) thing!”
That’s the message from Gerard d’Aquin, global sulfur expert and President of ConSulInc to senior government and industry officials in the Middle East coping with the spate of sulfur handling fires and explosions, including the recent incident at Ruwais refinery.
Mr. d’Aquin, whose high profile research on the ‘Cocoa Effect of Sulfur’ is using his speeches, including MESPON in Abu Dhabi (October 2015) to draw attention to alternative production technologies and handling protocols that make sulfur production safer for humans and the environment. According to d’Aquin, the key to safer sulfur production and handling is incorporating small amounts of water into the manufacturing process.
Sulfur dust is a natural occurrence in sulfur production. But sulfur produced with less than .05% moisture content is much more susceptible to excessive airborne particulates which can ignite and contribute to industrial disease and environmental pollution. According to d’Aquin, while it may be tempting to want the driest possible material, the offset in human, environmental and disaster costs far outweigh the inclusion of increased moisture at the very outset.
Wet-formed sulfur is superior because it is in harmony with the very nature of the element itself. Water encapsulates sulfur dust when handled much as water encapsulates cocoa when it is mixed. The result is improved control and superior outcomes.
The current ADNOC guideline for sulfur production is .05% or less moisture content. Expanding that guideline to encourage production with moisture of up to 2% would greatly reduce the regions exposure and risk of sulfur dust creating difficult health, safety and environmental hazards.